Insurance 保険


お客様( 借受人および貸し渡し時にお申し出いただいた運転者) が事故などにより第三者又は当社に損害を与えた場合には、 お客様にその損害を賠償する責任が発生します。その損害賠償責任をてん補するために、レンタカーステーションの車両には以下の金額を限度として、保険などによる補償が付いています。但し、保険の運用については、お客様の他車運転特約を優先します。また、当社の保険を適用の場合は、免責は以下のような運転または状態で発生した事故による損害はお客様のご負担となります。
補償内容 補償
対人補償 無制限
対物補償 無制限(免責額:5万円)
車両補償 時価額(1事故限度額、免責額: 5万円、但しType-Bは、10万円)
人身傷害補償 1名につき3000万円まで(搭乗者の自動車事故での怪我は運転者の過失割合にかかわらず、損害額を保証します)

■ご注意事項 以下のような運転または状態で発生した事故による損害はお客様のご負担となります。この場合、上記の保険・補償の適用をお断りいたします。

●貸渡約款に違反している場合 「飲酒薬物使用」「無断延長」「借受人および貸し渡し時にお申し出いただいた運転者以外の運転」「又貸し」「無免許運転」     「当社の承諾なく示談すること」など。
●事故現場より警察および当社への連絡など所定の手続きが取られていない場合(損傷の大小、相手の有無 、加害・被害にかかわらず警察及び当社にご連絡下さい。)
●使用、管理上の落ち度があった場合 「キーをつけたまま駐車し盗難にあった場合 」「 迷惑駐車などに起因した損害」「室内装備の汚損」「装備品の紛失」     「チェーン・キャリアの取り扱いおよび装着不備による損害」「海岸や河川敷などの走行による損害」 な ど 。
●契約中の車両に付帯する部品・用品 (タイヤ・ホイール...時価額、カーナビゲーション...10 万 円 、 ETC装着 ... 3 万 円など) は 、お客様に管理責任があります。   万一、盗難や紛失に遭われた 場合はお客様のご負担とな ります。
●ETC装着を利用の場合、料金所にて時速20km以上で走行し、事故が起きた場合は お客様の責任となります。
●警察から駐車違反に関する連絡があった場合において 、借受人が違反を処理していない場合には 、違反を処理するまでの間貸渡し自動車の返還を拒否いたします。
●レンタカー事業者が放置違反金を納付した場合の処置借受人が反則金等を納付せず、又は駐車違反に伴う諸費用を負 担しなかった場 合であってレンタカー事業者が   これらを負担した場合には、借受人はこれらの費用を弊社に支払うこと。借受人が違反を処理しない場合には、レンタカー事業者は以後借受人に対しレンタカーの   貸渡 しを制限いたします。
●正当な理由がなく返却時間が過ぎた場合又は 、連絡が取れなく返却時間が過ぎた場合は 詐欺、 横領、盗難届け等法的措置をとらせていただきます。


万一事故を起こされ車両の修理が必要になった場合、修理期間中の営業補償の一部として下記金額をその損害の程度や 修理の所要時間にかかわりなく申し受けます。

内容 お支払額
営業所に車両が返還された場合 (自走可能) 20,000円
その他上記以外の場合 (自走不可) 50,000円
お客様の過失による事故、無届の遅延により次の貸し出しが出来なくなった場合 時価相当額(1日1万円で15日を限度とします。)




Our vehicle has insurance cover however, for third party property damage there is an excess/deductible fee of
50,000 JPY and for rented vehicle damage there is an excess/deductible of up to 100,000 JPY

Personal Injury liability No limit.(Warranty for fellow injured passengers resulting from an accident by the driver, regardless of the degree of fault).
Property liablity No limit.(Deductible:50,000JPY)
Vehicle damage (Type E and A camper) Actual price of the replacement.(Deductible:50,000JPY)
Vehicle damage (Type B camper) Actual price of the replacement.(Deductible:100,000JPY)
Personal Injury liability (Driver) 30 million JPY.


In case we need to repair the car due to an accident, we will charge the below amount as
a part of compensation for business lost during the repair period, regardless of the degree of damage or the
time required to repair.

Vehicle driven back to the office 20,000JPY
Other cases(i.e. the vehicle cannot be driven) 50,000JPY

TYPE A CAMPER 10,000 JPY per day to maximum of 10 days
TYPE B CAMPER 10,000 JPY per day to maximum of 15 days

■Collision Damage Waiver(CDW) and Security Deposit■

By paying for the extra CDW cover before renting the vehicle it can reduce the amount that you may have to pay in an accident.
You must pay a security deposit. The amount payable depends on which type of camper and which CDW option you choose.
Notice: CDW is not available to drivers under 25 years of age.

TYPE OF CAMPER CDW Price per day Security Deposit (With CDW)
Basic Cover Security Deposit
TYPE E 2,613JPY 70,000JPY
(Up to 70,000JPY payable in an accident.)
(Up to 150,000JPY payable in an accident.)
TYPE A 2,613JPY 100,000JPY
(Up to 100,000JPY payable in an accident.)
(Up to 250,000JPY payable in an accident.)
TYPE B 3,647JPY 150,000JPY
(Up to 150,000JPY payable in an accident.)
(Up to 350,000JPY payable in an accident.)

In an accident the customer must pay the excess/ deductible that is applicable to the situation.

CDW Caution.
CDW cover does not include cost of repair to tire, windscreen damage, vehicle under carriage, roof of the camper and/ or
vehicle accessories including interior such as GPS navigator, WIFI router, TV, fridge, cooker and sink. Also any damage to exterior
camera and awning.
CDW cover is bound by the same rules as general insurance cover found in the rental agreement. If any of the clauses in section
6.Responsibilties or 7.Caution are broken then CDW cover will not apply. You may be responsible for any loss or damage caused.

You are expected to operate the vehicle in accordance to the rental agreement (and the main insurance agreement policy of the company written in Japanese from which this was translated). If a traffic accident is caused under the following conditions or you have failed to comply with your part of responsibility the insurance coverage shall not be applied and you are to indemnify for any amount, which shall be responsible for you to our company.

Failure to comply with these required procedures: In conditions such as, When traffic law was violated. When the rented vehicle was driven under the influence of alcohol or drugs. When the rented vehicle is used during an unauthorised extended period of time. When driven by another person other than the agreed driver and/or authorised drivers.

We make every effort to ensure the vehicle is available as per the reservation. In the unusual circumstance where the vehicle is not available due to mechanical breakdown or due to damage from previous customer etc, we will provide another camper of the same type or an upgrade at no extra cost. If you decide not to use the substitute camper you will not be refunded. If there are no alternative campers available you will be refunded the booking deposit. You will not be refunded for out-of-pocket expenses relating to alternative transportation or accommodation that you arrange.

All of our campers are checked before and after rental for evidence insect infestation. You will not be refunded the rental fee for presence of ants, flies, mosquitoes, spiders, fleas, bed bugs etc, and we may charge a fee for the eradication of such insects.

During the contract, you are responsible for the maintenance of the parts and equipment accompanying the vehicles. You need to cover the cost in case a theft or loss occurs.

Any damage or loss of personal property during the rental contract period is not the responsibility of the rental company.

Any personal injury or death during the rental contract period is not the responsibility of the rental company.

You are responsible for any accidents that occur when, with an ETC installed or not when you drive through a toll gate.

If you are over the term of rental without a formal reason or contact, we will take legal action for fraud, embezzlement and/or robbery.

The insurance policy will not cover expenses relating to damage or loss under these situations. Customers shall cover damages caused under situations as below:
a. Acting against the terms and conditions for rental. Examples; “drinking”, “doping”, “unapproved extension”, “operation by those other than the borrower and specified drivers “, “sublease”, “driving without a license”, “settlement out of court without the consent of our company”, etc.
b. When it corresponds to the disqualification of insurance policy, or when payment is exempted. Examples, “intentional damages”, “drinking”, “doping”, “damage to tire caused by blowouts”,” windscreen damage”, “loss of wheel cap”, “filling with incorrect fuel type”, etc.
c. Predetermined procedures, such as contacting the police and our company, is not taken after an accident (Please contact us and the police, regardless of the size of damage, whether or not there are other passengers and/or whether you are the assailant or the victim).
d. When there is a fault with use and management. Examples, “Parking with the key attached and a theft occurs”, “Using the awning incorrectly or damage from wind and rain”, “damages resulting from nuisance parking etc.”, “corruption of indoor equipment”, “loss of general tools”, “damage caused by the handling and improper installation of chains and carriers”, “damage caused by a run in the seashore, a dry riverbed, etc.”, etc.

If you are involved in an accident you must comply with these rules:

It is mandatory for you to report an accident to the police and us at the site of an accident, regardless of whether or not it is serious, whether or not there is a third party involved in it, or who is at fault.

Get name, address and phone of third party and/ or any witnesses. Take photographs of damaged vehicle/s and license plates. Take note of the exact time and location.

In case of an accident, we will pass your personal information to the insurance company and police.

Do not attempt to drive the damaged vehicle unless you have permission from the rental company.

Replacement Camper.
If you cannot continue your journey due to damage to the vehicle, a replacement camper may be provided to you if one is available. You must return to our office at your own expense or we will bring it to you for an extra delivery fee.

You must pay a new security deposit for the replacement vehicle.

If there is no alternative vehicle available whether or not you will be refunded is determined by degree of fault in regard to the accident. This is determined by police reports and the insurance company. If it determined that there is 0% fault by the contracted rental party then there is refund of the balance of rental fee based on a percentage of days remaining for the contracted rental period. When it is determined that there is any fault of contracted rental party then there is 0% refund of the balance of rental fee and the rental contract is terminated.

We will not refund for out-of-pocket expenses relating to alternative transportation, change of itinerary, food, accommodation that you arrange or lost usage time of the vehicle.

Time Frame for Settlement of Rental Contract Liability Claims.
Decisions about liability in case of an accident are determined by insurance company and other third party not the rental company. The time frame for these decisions are unknown and may take months or years. Any balance of rental fee or security deposit cannot be refund until such a decision has been made.

Upon receiving the decision of degree of liability from police/ insurance company or other third party any money owing the contracted party will be paid immediately.

The contracted rental party must assist in providing requested information relative to the claim.

Breakdown and Equipment Malfunction.
When there is a breakdown or equipment malfunction you must immediately contact us and tell us the exact problem, how it occurred and your current location. You may be asked to make some small diagnostic checks and repair and/ or to call roadside service for further checks.

If the problem requires further mechanical assistance we may ask that you take the vehicle to the closest repair workshop. This may take several hours to a full day depending on the problem.

When there is a fault of the electrical system in the camping area, lights, refrigerator etc. Repairs or alternatives may be arranged. Faults to the FF Heater system when used above 1,000 meters above sea level or general faults may require workshop repairs. Faults with the vehicle air-condition system will require workshop repairs.

You will not be refunded for out-of-pocket expenses relating to alternative transportation, change of itinerary, food, accommodation that you arrange or refunded for lost usage time of the vehicle whilst being repaired. The cost of any repair to the vehicle and or replacement of damaged or missing items are to be determined by the mechanic appointed and thus determined by the rental company not the renter. If the vehicle is unusable you may be provide another vehicle if one is available at the discretion of management. It may take up to 24 hours to provide the replacement vehicle depending on your location. When you cannot continue the journey due to a mechanical breakdown and there are no other vehicles available you will be refunded the balance of the rental fee, excluding items listed above.